The Lara Estroff Research Group

Making Bio-Inspiration Crystal Clear

Principal Investigator

Prof. Lara Estroff

Herbert Fisk Johson Professor of Industrial Chemistry
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Previous Education:
Swarthmore College, B.A. Chemistry 1997
Yale University, Ph.D. Chemistry 2003
Harvard University, NIH Postdoctoral Researcher 2003-2005

Professional Background - Curriculum Vitae

Postdoctoral Research Associates

Dr. Christopher Petroff

Previous Education:
Boston College, B.S. Chemistry 2015
University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. Chemistry, 2021

Chris is a joint postdoc between the Estroff group and the Marohn group in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department. His research focuses on metal halide perovskites for solar applications. Specifically, he is working to better understand how processing conditions affect the morphology, crystal texture, and other properties of blade coated thin films and how these changes affect the resulting optoelectronic properties of the films.

Ph.D. Students

Stephan Sutter

Previous Education:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, B.S. Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, 2020

My primary research interest is studying biological materials involved in pathological mineralization, particularly the matrix-mineral interactions of calcifications found in breast tumors. I aim to use Raman spectroscopy and (cryo) electron microscopy to study the tumor microenvironment and understand the role that calcifications play in the growth and spread of breast tumors.

Kuan-Ting Liu

Previous Education:
National Taiwan University, B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

I joined the group in fall 2021 as a Ph.D. student in MSE. I'm working in the Perovskite Project, which is funded by DOE, and collaborated with many research groups and national labs. My research focuses on using in-situ AFM and NMR to study the mechanism of growth of perovskite crystals and solution chemistry.

Emily Hiralal

Previous Education:
Northwestern University, B.A. Chemistry and B.A. Biological Sciences, 2022

Emily Hiralal is a PhD student in the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department. She is co-advised by Lara Estroff and John Marohn. Her research focuses on the synthesis and optoelectronic characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite single crystals and thin films.

Brenda Javier-Boodhan

Previous Education:
Universidad Ana G. Mendez Recinto de Carolina, B.S. Biotechnology, 2021
Cornell University, M.S. Materials Science and Engineering 2024

My research focuses on mapping calcifications and their associated organic matrix from human tissues using FTIR microscopy and examine potential relationships between mineral properties and disease state. I am working in collaboration with the Butcher group in the School of Biomedical Engineering, where we have obtained a set of calcified human heart valve samples with associated patient data ready for spectroscopic analysis.

M.S. Students

Aditya Kaipa

Previous Education:



Kenadee Morrow

My primary research interest is biomineralization seen in marine invertebrates, such as barnacles and corals. In the Estroff group I will be studying how the calcification of barnacles shortly after the larval stage is impacted by changing aspects of our oceans, including salinity, pH, temperature, etc.

Ethan Seiz

I'm a first-year from New York City studying computer science. The research project I'm helping with seeks to better understand and quantify the lacunar-canalicular networks in subchondral bone. In order to do this, we take CT scans of bone and annotate components of them including the cartilage, bone marrow, and lacuna. The resulting non-annotated space is a class that contains the osteocytes and lacunar-canalicular network. I'm working on refining a dataset of existing segmentations and training a deep learning network to automatically annotate scans.

Group Alumni

Name Position or Degree Current Position
Victorien Bernat M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2024 ——
Mahdi Ayoubi   Postdoctoral Associate, 2022—2024 Thermo Fischer Scientific, Hillsboro, OR
Wanting (Ting) Zhang   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2024 ——
Chih-Yi (Joyce) Wang   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2024 Ph.D. Student, University of Florida
Konrad Hedderick   Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, 2024 Postdoc, Universite de Geneve
Leyin Zheng   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2023 Project Executive, BOC Sciences, Shirley, NY
Olivia Rogers   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2023 Mechanical Engineer, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
Jennie Kunitake   Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, 2021 Senior Scientist, Molecular Pharmaceutics, Pfizer
Dana Chapman   Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering, 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University
Florence Lui Visiting Fulbright Scholar, 2021 Ph.D. Candidate, University of New South Wales, Sydney, AUS
Xun Wang M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2021 ——
Derek Hu   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2021 ——
Wennie Lee   M.S. Materials Science & Engineering, 2021 ——

PI Photo